AMOLED vs TFT Display

AMOLED VS TFT Display What is the Difference

Currently, Smartphones or Smartwatches are coming into the market, and the display of most of these watches or phones is made up of AMOLED or TFT. Here AMOLED stands for Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode and TFT stands for Thin Film Transistor. The only difference between them is the material as AMOLED uses organic materials, mainly carbon, while TFT does not have these materials.

There are pretty noticeable differences between these two display types. To begin with, unlike a TFT-LCD, an AMOLED creates its own light rather than depending on a backlight. As a result of the absence of a backlight, AMOLED screens are thus significantly thinner than LCD or TFT displays.

As a result, AMOLED is more capable of producing more colors than TFT. Due to the fact that each pixel’s color and light output may be individually controlled and that no light leaks from neighboring pixels. This should be confirmed by a side-by-side examination of the identical image on the two monitors. The gadget uses a lot less power as a result of the absence of a backlight.

What is the Difference Between TFT and AMOLED Display

AMOLED is a Variant of Light Emitting Diode (LED).TFT belongs to Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).
Screens have a higher refresh rate.Displays have a lower refresh rate compared to AMOLED.
Screens are self-illuminating.Backlight is used to light up TFT screens.
Screens takes short time to respond.TFT screens take more time to respond compared to AMOLED.
AMOLED screens have a wider viewing angle.TFT displays don’t have viewing angles.
These displays consume less power.TFT displays consume more power than AMOLED.
AMOLED screens are more accurate while displaying colors.TFT displays show colors that are either less vibrant or washed out.
More expensive to produce.Less expensive to produce compared to AMOLED.
Have a shorter lifespan than TFT.Has a high lifespan compared to AMOLED.

Pros and Cons of AMOLED and TFT


  • Less power consumption.
  • Bright and vibrant colors.
  • All round viewing angles.
  • The display looks black when switched off.
  • More expensive.
  • Shorter lifespan.
  • Susceptible to damage by water.


  • High yields and efficient production techniques.
  • Very competitive prices.
  • Cut down option available.
  • A wide range of sizes is available.
  • Half-Life has been expanded.
  • Colour inversion at extreme viewing angles.
  • The display is not completely black when switched off.
  • Contrast can be limited

Which one is best TFT or AMOLED: TFT Vs AMOLED Display

There are two different display technologies: AMOLED and TFT. Although AMOLED panels are often brighter and more colorful, their production costs are higher. TFT displays are less expensive to manufacture, but they are less brilliant and use more power than AMOLED displays.

Your demands and tastes will determine the optimal display technology for you. An AMOLED display is an excellent option if you need a screen that is bright and colorful. A TFT display is an excellent option if you require a screen that is less expensive to build. TFT, though, could be a better choice if you’re concerned about image preservation.


Choosing between TFT or AMOLED is going to be the user choice because both of the display types have their own advantages and disadvantages. If you think you need a great quality display that emits various vibrant colors then you can go for AMOLED, which also consumes less power.

Although the backlighting quality guarantees high whites and excellent brightness, it will drain a battery considerably more quickly than an AMOLED display alone. A major factor to take into account is the price of TFT displays. They are created in conventional industry sizes, making it very simple to buy them for creative items in addition to being less expensive and more accessible.